sobota, 13 czerwca 2015

Blind Rage Tour 2015

This year for the first time I had a chance to see more than one show of single band in short time and during the same tour. Among several other bands, that was the case for Accept whom I saw during their Blind Rage Tour 2015 first in Krakow in Fabryka club and then during Metalfest in Pilsen just few days later. And here's what I have to say about that.

But Accept entered the stage, as a support we got Russian band Reds'Cool. I'd rather call their music hard rock than metal but either way they did very nice warming the atmosphere up. What I like in going to shows in Poland is that people usually have a hell of a fun when supports are playing, no matter whether they know the band or not.

After the necessary break there finally came time for the most important part of the evening. It wasn't the first time I saw German heavy metal machine called Accept so I knew what to expect - and I got what I came for. Wall of sound pouring into my ears. Heavy, dynamic and powerful but still melodic, catchy in that characteristic heavy metal way that I really love and full of emotion. Outstanding riffs. Not too much talking, just a heavy metal ride with no stopping or turning back from the very beginning to the last sound.

They've started from the rushing "Stampede", followed by "Stalingrad" and then by the mixture of old and new songs, including "Restless and wild", "Losers and winners", "Dying breed", "Shadow soldiers" and much more (not necessarily in that order, but I can never remember all of that...). As the last song in the main set they've played "Fast as a shark", my favourite. And of course Accept show wouldn't do without "Metal heart", "Teutonic terror" and "Balls to the wall", which made the encore.

I gotta say, I have a huge problem. As for a woman, I'm close to the upper limit of being middle height, almost tall I could say. And yet it's still a disaster, when I go to a metal show. Typically at least 3/4 of the audience are male and mostly they're taller than me. Unless I go to the front (which I usually don't because I don't like being crushed breathless by the crowd) I see about that much:

I may have a chance to see a little bit more if I jump at the right moment as high as I can. Yup, the photo above comes from Accept show in Krakow and it was meant as an illustration of how fucked up it is sometimes to be a metal girl. ;)

Luckily shows in Czech Republic differ from what I know from Poland. I always say that, those people are very peaceful, at least for a metal audience. Of course they jump and scream the hell out of their lungs but if you go straight to the front on a show in Czech Republic you will neither get crushed nor trampled over even if there's thrash metal band playing at the moment. Which you would, if you were here in Poland. And there - in the worst case you might get accidentally hit by someone's elbow. During Metalfest I took advantage of this situation several times, rushing to the front to see some bands - Accept included - from a very short distance.

And how was it compared to show in Krakow? Usually I prefer indoor shows in small venues rather than open air ones. In a club it's always too hot, it's crowded and very, very loud but I always feel as if much more emotion was going on around me. But this time I enjoyed the festival concert more than the one in Fabryka. Maybe it's just because I was very close or maybe because there were much more people there but it seemed that there's even more power flowing from the stage up into the air. I think it was the best show of the festival. And surely it was the one I've enjoyed the most.

In my opinion what goes very well on their shows is that in their songs there's always some part that can easily be sung by the audience, be that a chorus, catchy riff or just a musical theme included in the song. The most important thing on every metal show is the flow of emotions and so the interaction between the band and people who came to see them is extremely important. Besides, it never stops to amaze me how powerful it sounds when several thousand people sing something together.

Summing up, it was great to see Accept again. And twice in such a short time! Still, I can't wait for the next one. Accept, see you in Balingen on Bang Your Head!!!

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