czwartek, 27 sierpnia 2015

Soooo it comes at last...

At last we cand hear what Steelwing is up to!

Few days ago they shared a new song from their upcoming, third album that is long awaited by their fans. Here it is.

This song caught up on me immediatelly, though it feels different from their previous two albums - it's darker and more aggresive. Also there are slight changes in vocal style. I'm not a great fan of the changes in vocal style - but I gotta admit that it fits here well. All in all - it's ol' good post-apocalyptic Steelwing who brought my attention to NWOTHM and I like it. Good, decent metal. I'll be waiting for the new album (not) patiently.

wtorek, 25 sierpnia 2015

Plagues revisited

(Note: Polish version of this text used to be posted elsewhere, now I'm only migrating it)

Iced Earth in Masters of Rock Cafe, Zlin, CZ, 8.02.2014

Masters of Rock Cafe - as every venue - has it's good and bad sides. Something I really liked was the fact that there were no barriers one or two meters from the front of the stage. Thanks to this one could come so close that he or she could put hands on the stage. Of course I've been right in the front row, why not? But what I did not like was lack of proper ventilation. It was hot, stuffy, the air did not move... I feel very, very bad in places like this. I can deal with it but it's very uncomfortable.

I admit, I did not do my 'homework' and did not get any information about supporting bands before the show. Somehow lacked time. I knew Warbringer just a little bit but had no idea about Elm Street before seeing them on stage. They played a decent set of good music. A short set, of course but it was energetic. I liked it.

As for the thrashers from Warbringer, they rocked. The audience rocked a little bit less. I say that quite often (each time I'm after a show in Czech Republic), Czech people are extremely calm as for a heavy metal audience. Especially compared to what I know from shows in Poland. Headbanging, jumping, screaming - yeah, they do that, ok - but why make a mosh pit on a thrash metal concert, ey? Why, they would hurt themselves or someone else... Niether requests from stage nor Polish people present in front rows helped, no mosh pit at all. Well, whatever, show was great anyway. Long time since I've screamed that much before the headliners entered the stage. And trust me - I like (and oh I can) scream very, very loud.

Luckily Iced Earth did not make us wait too long. After few quick changes on the stage we finally heard into from „Plagues of Babylon” that we've been waiting for. I've been looking forward to this ever since I've heard that they're coming, Iced Earth is my #1 band. Love their music. When I finally saw them on stage, I was happy. The setlist was of course full of songs from the new album. The album which I totaly enjoy. So there was „Plagues of Babylon” for a good start, then „Democide” and later „If I could see you”, „Among the living dead” , „Cthulhu” and „The End?”. Apart from this there were also some songs from previous album and older stuff like „Dark Saga” or „The Hunter”. Unfortunatelly many of the good old songs that I like did not make it to the setlist. Yeah, I'm complaining a bit but I can't help that they don't play the songs I like the most...

Either way, this was one of the best shows I've been to. Probably because I like their music so much. I've been waiting so long, but it passed so quickly... Too bad they probably won't come to Poland anytime soon. Not after that show in Warsaw two years ago when so few people came. Too bad for me, I will have to settle for going elsewhere.

One more thing that I'd like to say. When I first heard that IE change their lineup and that new singer will join them... and when I've heard what Stu Block used to sing before... I was very skeptical about that change. But ever since I've heard "Dystopia" I knew - he's the right guy in the right place. Damn, I love what he does with Iced Earth songs. :)

That's all for now. Goodnight.

All right then

On a new wave of enthusiasm - I'm back here.

I've removed some of the content that used to be here (archived it first) because I decided that it needs some seeeerious redesign (using my newly learned web developer skills, ha ha ha). And my attitude needs to be changed for sure. ;)

To do:
- restore the rest of content that was on NWOTHM subpage
- finally put the freakin' band logos on NWOTHM subpage
- put online notes about this year's shows and festivals that I wrote but never published
- put online notes about past shows that used to be on my profile

sobota, 22 sierpnia 2015

Aren't those guys Evil?

New video from Ambush - "Posessed By Evil" from upcoming album "Desecrator". It will be released on October 30 this year by High Roller Records.

Judging by this song, it's something worth waiting for.

Thumb up for Enforcer T-shirts. ;)

sobota, 13 czerwca 2015

Blind Rage Tour 2015

This year for the first time I had a chance to see more than one show of single band in short time and during the same tour. Among several other bands, that was the case for Accept whom I saw during their Blind Rage Tour 2015 first in Krakow in Fabryka club and then during Metalfest in Pilsen just few days later. And here's what I have to say about that.

But Accept entered the stage, as a support we got Russian band Reds'Cool. I'd rather call their music hard rock than metal but either way they did very nice warming the atmosphere up. What I like in going to shows in Poland is that people usually have a hell of a fun when supports are playing, no matter whether they know the band or not.

After the necessary break there finally came time for the most important part of the evening. It wasn't the first time I saw German heavy metal machine called Accept so I knew what to expect - and I got what I came for. Wall of sound pouring into my ears. Heavy, dynamic and powerful but still melodic, catchy in that characteristic heavy metal way that I really love and full of emotion. Outstanding riffs. Not too much talking, just a heavy metal ride with no stopping or turning back from the very beginning to the last sound.

They've started from the rushing "Stampede", followed by "Stalingrad" and then by the mixture of old and new songs, including "Restless and wild", "Losers and winners", "Dying breed", "Shadow soldiers" and much more (not necessarily in that order, but I can never remember all of that...). As the last song in the main set they've played "Fast as a shark", my favourite. And of course Accept show wouldn't do without "Metal heart", "Teutonic terror" and "Balls to the wall", which made the encore.

I gotta say, I have a huge problem. As for a woman, I'm close to the upper limit of being middle height, almost tall I could say. And yet it's still a disaster, when I go to a metal show. Typically at least 3/4 of the audience are male and mostly they're taller than me. Unless I go to the front (which I usually don't because I don't like being crushed breathless by the crowd) I see about that much:

I may have a chance to see a little bit more if I jump at the right moment as high as I can. Yup, the photo above comes from Accept show in Krakow and it was meant as an illustration of how fucked up it is sometimes to be a metal girl. ;)

Luckily shows in Czech Republic differ from what I know from Poland. I always say that, those people are very peaceful, at least for a metal audience. Of course they jump and scream the hell out of their lungs but if you go straight to the front on a show in Czech Republic you will neither get crushed nor trampled over even if there's thrash metal band playing at the moment. Which you would, if you were here in Poland. And there - in the worst case you might get accidentally hit by someone's elbow. During Metalfest I took advantage of this situation several times, rushing to the front to see some bands - Accept included - from a very short distance.

And how was it compared to show in Krakow? Usually I prefer indoor shows in small venues rather than open air ones. In a club it's always too hot, it's crowded and very, very loud but I always feel as if much more emotion was going on around me. But this time I enjoyed the festival concert more than the one in Fabryka. Maybe it's just because I was very close or maybe because there were much more people there but it seemed that there's even more power flowing from the stage up into the air. I think it was the best show of the festival. And surely it was the one I've enjoyed the most.

In my opinion what goes very well on their shows is that in their songs there's always some part that can easily be sung by the audience, be that a chorus, catchy riff or just a musical theme included in the song. The most important thing on every metal show is the flow of emotions and so the interaction between the band and people who came to see them is extremely important. Besides, it never stops to amaze me how powerful it sounds when several thousand people sing something together.

Summing up, it was great to see Accept again. And twice in such a short time! Still, I can't wait for the next one. Accept, see you in Balingen on Bang Your Head!!!

sobota, 14 lutego 2015

Krakow will get fisted

Skull Fist tour anouncement: Krakow, Fabryka on 6.08.2015 together with Evil Invaders. Definitely must be there.

Full tour info:

5/2/15 -POR @ SWR Barroselas fest
5/7/15 - SP - Zaragoza @Sala Lopez
5/8/15 - SP - Jaen @ Salón Social
5/9/15 - SP - Burgos @ Estudio 27
5/10/15 - SP - Salamanca @ Nave Bunker
5/11/15 - SP - Madrid @ We Rock
5/12/15 - SP - Barcelona @ Rocksound
5/14/15 - FR - Perpignan @ Le BBC
5/15/15 - FR - Eragny @ Covent Garden
5/16/15 - DE - Luenen @ Lukaz
5/17/15 - NL - Rotterdam @ Baroeg
5/19/15 - FR - Dijon @ La Vapeur
5/21/15 - DE - Marburg @ KFZ
5/22/15 - NL - Arnhem @ Willemeen
5/23/15 - BE - Poperinge @ Heavy Sound fest
5/24/15 - NL - Almelo @ Naxt Stage
5/26/15 - DE - Pforzheim @ Rock Stueble
5/27/15 - CH - Winterthur @ Gaswerk
5/28/15 - IT - Milan @Blue Rose
5/29/15 - AU - Dornbirn @ Schlachthaus
5/30/15 - AU - Vienna @ Escape
5/31/15 - HU - Budapest @ Dürer Kert
6/2/15 - AU - Innsbruck @ Weekender
6/3/15 - DE - Tannheim @ Schwarzer Adler
6/4/15 - DE - Munich @ Backstage
6/5/15 - DE - Geiselwind @ Out&Loud
6/6/15 - DE - Gera @ Sächsischer Bahnhof
6/7/15 - CZ - Plsen @ Metalfest CZ
6/8/15 - PL - Krakow @Fabryka
6/9/15 - PL - Warsaw @Progresja
6/10/15 - PL - Gdansk @ Atlantic Club
6/12/15 - DE - Berlin @ K17
6/13/15 - DE - Hamburg @ Bambi Galore
6/14/15 - GRE - Athens @ An Club*
6/15/15 - GRE - Thessaloniki @ Eightball
6/20/15 - DE @ Daun-Rengen @ Der Detze Rockt
6/21/15 - DE - Gardelegen @ Metal Frenzy Fest

środa, 4 lutego 2015

Hall of the King

Not being able to decide what to listen to today, I chose a band at random from my lastfm music library. The choice was a band almost forgotten by me - Savatage. I picked up my favourite of their albums (and easily the best and most renown one) - "Hall of the Mountain King".

It's good to go back to the old stuff sometimes. Hell, this album was recorded before I was even born and still it sounds absolutely awesome. As if it was not getting any older. Music like this is the reason why I regret I wasn't born some 20 years earlier.

Title track is one of the highlights of this release. Truly madness reigns between those riffs. And... errr... I find this video quite interesting, but also a little bit disturbing...

wtorek, 27 stycznia 2015

One hell of a ride

Nice thing have I found today. They're from Poland(yay!), Warsaw. Formed in 2003, they released three LPs: "Skyward" (2006), "Humagination" (2013), Aftereal (2014). Why the hell have I not heard them (or about them) before? I'm ashamed of myself.

wtorek, 20 stycznia 2015

2015 awaits

It's still the beginning of the new year...

Most people do some summaries and that sort of stuff. As for me... well, I prefer to anticipate the future rather than think about the past. So... what is there to be awaited in this year?

Surely I will be attending some concerts. I have already planned to see Black Label Society, Overkill + Sanctuary, Blind Guardian, Testament, Judas Priest and Annihilator but this is only a must-see list and only the bands that I already know that will be playing somewhere around. Who know what other bands will announce their shows in Poland and what will my friends talk me into? Surely I will also visit some festivals but that's not yet decided.

As for the albums I mostly await, surely there is new Enforcer LP "From Beyond" to be released at the end of February. Apart from that, Nuclear Blast announced that Slayer and Testament (and several other bands but not so interesting for me) will release new albums this year. These are the ones I look forward to the most. There's also Blind Guardian's "Beyond The Red Mirror" to be released at the end of this month but I'm not sure how much I expect it. As far as I really respect BG and enjoy their older albums, I'm not sure if the newer ones fit my taste.

What else is there for us in 2015? We shall see.

sobota, 10 stycznia 2015

Balanced mood?

Usually I choose to listen to music that suits my moods. I have a heavy metal mood, power metal mood, thrash metal mood...

Currently I'm experiencing progressive metal mood and so I post Thought Chamber. As many other bands, lastfm found them for me. Below you can find a track from their first album, "Angular Perceptions" (2007). I gotta admit - I don't know their music very well (yet). But this one suits me now perfectly. Hear about the "Balance of One".

poniedziałek, 5 stycznia 2015

News from Sweden

Yeah, Enforcer finished recording of a new album.

Their forth release, "From Beyond", will be out in Europe on February 27th. Can't wait to lay my hands on it...

From their facebook anouncement:

Vocalist and guitar player Olof Wikstrand comments: "»From Beyond« is faster, heavier, louder, darker and more vicious all at the same time without losing a tiny bit of what ENFORCER stand for. A fist in the face of all current trends and a stake through the throat of modernity. Total metal!"

Album will contain ten new songs:

01. Destroyer
02. Undying Evil
03. From Beyond
04. One With Fire
05. Below The Slumber
06. Hungry They Will Come
07. The Banshee
08. Farewell
09. Hell Will Follow
10. Mask Of Red Death

czwartek, 1 stycznia 2015

After a break

Christmass and New Year. This always makes me loose my contact with reality. And so after over a week I have a lot to catch up with. And I surely will... but I'm too lazy today. :)

I enter the new year with some old school heavy metal in my ears and with a resolution to make this blog really work. For you see.. I'm not really a systematic person and my enthusiasm is often short-lived. It's hard for me to do something in regular intervals. But I'll do my best.

Today I've put some text about Skull Fist. Next one will be Rocka Rollas or Striker. Let's check if I can make myself do it within a week...

edit 25.08.2015: did not do it so far